It works!! I finally invented something that actually works!! – Dr. Emmett Brown (Back to the Future)
Greetings and thank you very much for passing by! What a great time to join our community! Is real life not so much more interesting than hanging around inside the house? Try out our app (download links below), step outside and rediscover your surrounding!
We need your help! Become an author and actively form the future of the system with your ideas and contributions! Or contact us if we can help you setting things up for you!
No need to register/login via facebook, google etc. Just download and give it a try!
Android App download for the explorers
Requires min. phones with Android 5, download size approx. 50 mb. You need an internet connection for the app download and operation, charges from your mobilephone provider may apply. Please check before using the app.
iOS App download for the adventurers
Requires min. iPhone 6s, iPhone SE. Download size approx. 60 mb. You need an internet connection for the app download and operation, charges from your mobilephone provider may apply. Please check before using the app.
Transparency on your data:
You don’t need to register or to provide any personal information to use our app hence no PPI is stored from app users in the system.
A unique random alphanumberic App installation key is generated each time the app is installed on a device. This number is not linked to any personal information and helps to identify the amount of active app users.
The app requires you to accept sharing your location to show you stories of other users around you (obviously).
To use the Sleep Mode you need to grant the app permission to send you notifications when posts are around you. In Sleep Mode the app can run in the background.
Please contact us for any questions or look into our Privacy section in the footer.
❤ wyah, the community ❤
A place to huddle with nice, like-minded people, to share your ideas and thoughts, or support questions, to report bugs and issues and to stay connected for the latest updates