Update on our Authoring tool:
Sorry everyone, was just testing the login and password reset for our Authoring tool pi.wyah.online and realised it did not send you any notifications to your eMail-address for registration or the mentioned password reset. It took me two hours of various logins and security setting changes but as of now we are good to go again. So, if you tried to register or to reset your password as an author, this is working now again. I will speak with the developers to have some feedback functionality for you in case you face any issues, just figured this out by accident 🙂 So now: Registration, password reset? Kindly try again now and sorry for the inconveniences caused!
❤ wyah, the community ❤
A place to huddle with nice, like-minded people, to share your ideas and thoughts, or support questions, to report bugs and issues and to stay connected for the latest updates
Featured stories from all over the world
Here we would like to share with you you some exciting ways how others use wyah.
Let’s head to Hawaii for a while..
In this example let us show you how wyah storytelling can empower local communities and individuals to revitalise local dialects, customs, languages.
The use of different multimedia elements like images and videos along with the story itself create an immersive and captivating experience for the reader of the story.
But wait, there is more..
Some of these channels were there right from the beginning when planning on the app began. They can provide you with one or two fun insights into the steps of development and links to tools in case you want to start your own app..